This useful info came from a stack overflow answer.
According to the StyleCop 4.3 Rules Documentation (available from the StyleCop 4.3 download page) the ordering is as follows.
Within a class, struct or interface: (SA1201 and SA1203)
- Constant Fields
- Fields
- Constructors
- Finalizers (Destructors)
- Delegates
- Events
- Enums
- Interfaces
- Properties
- Indexers
- Methods
- Structs
- Classes
Within each of these groups order by access: (SA1202)
- public
- internal
- protected internal
- protected
- private
Within each of the access groups, order by static, then non-static: (SA1204)
- static
- non-static
An unrolled list is 130 lines long, so I won't unroll it here. The methods part unrolled is:
- public static methods
- public methods
- internal static methods
- internal methods
- protected internal static methods
- protected internal methods
- protected static methods
- protected methods
- private static methods
- private methods
The documentation notes that if the prescribed order isn't suitable --- say, multiple interfaces are being implemented, and the interface methods and properties should be grouped together --- then use a partial class to group the related methods and properties together.